Andreia Santana by Icaro
Andreia Santana (1991, Lisbon) lives and works in Lisbon. Santana holds a BFA from ESAD – Caldas da Rainha and was a participant in the Independent Study Program of Maumaus School in Lisbon. Has participated in several residencies namely, Residency Unlimited in New York, with a fellowship from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Panal 360 in Buenos Aires, Mieszkanie Gepperta, Poland and Gasworks – Triangle Network at Hangar, Lisbon. Santana won the NOVO BANCO Prize, was shortlisted for Ducato Prize (Italy), and has been awarded grants including Fulbright/Carmona e Costa Foundation, Criatório – CMP, Amadeo Souza Cardoso, and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Her work has been shown in Portugal and internationally, highlighting the exhibitions: ‘Hollow Hands’ at Generali Milano; ‘The Outcast Manufacturers’ at Filomena Soares Gallery; 10000 years between Venus and Mars, Oporto Municipal Gallery; ‘Cultivated Memory’ Peninsula Gallery. New York; ‘Leaves of Absence’ at Serralves Contemporary Art Museum; ‘Vanishing Point’ Cordoaria Nacional;…
Délio Jasse by Icaro
Délio Jasse. Nascido em 1980 em Luanda, Angola. Vive e trabalha em Milão, Itália Em seu trabalho fotográfico, Délio Jasse frequentemente entrelaça imagens encontradas com pistas de outras vidas (fotos de passaportes, álbuns de família) para estabelecer elos entre a fotografia – em particular o conceito de ‘imagem latente’ – e a memória. Jasse é conhecido por experimentar processos de impressão fotográfica analógica, incluindo cianotipia, platina e processos de impressão inicial, como ‘Van Dyke Brown’, além de desenvolver suas próprias técnicas de impressão. Ele usa processos analógicos para subverter a reprodutibilidade do meio fotográfico, criando variantes e intervenções sutis usando pintura, folheado a ouro e colagem. As exposições recentes de Jasse incluem Arquivo Urbano, Tiwani Contemporary, Londres (2019); O Outro Capítulo, PHotoESPAÑA (2019); Uma cidade imaginária, MAXXI, Roma (2018); Schengen, Villa Romana, Florença (2018); La Cité no Jour Bleu, Bienal de Dak’art (2018); Histórias Recentes, Coleção Walther, Neu-Ulm e Nova…
Mónica de Miranda by Icaro
Mónica de Miranda is an artist and researcher. Her work is based on themes of urban archaeology and personal geographies. Mónica has a visual art degree from Camberwell College of arts (London, 1998); a master’s degree in art and education at the Institute of Education (London, 2000) and a PhD in visual art from the University of Middlesex (London, 2014). She has received the support from the Foundation for Science and Technology. She is currently developing her research project: Post- archive at CEC (Centre of Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon) . Mónica is one of the founders of the artistic project of residences Triangle Network in Portugal and the founder of the Project Hangar (Center of artistic research in Lisbon, 2014). She was nominated for Novo Banco Photo prize and exhibited at Museu Berardo ( Lisbon, 2016). Mónica was also nominated for Prix Piclet Photo Award (2016). She also exhibited…
Susana Anagua by Icaro
Susana Anagua (1976) lives and works in Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro. Holding a PhD in Contemporary Artistic Processes from UERJ-Rio de Janeiro, she finished her MA in Digital Arts in London Arts University (Camberwell College of Arts). She also holds a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts from Escola Superior de Artes e Design (ESAD) in Caldas da Rainha, where she also teaches since 2009. Her solo exhibitions which stand out are “Olhar Radar” (2012, Rio de Janeiro) or “Desnorte/ Northless” in the project room of the Center of Modern Art of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2008, Lisbon). Also, she did installations and public interventions like “Carris Arte em Movimento” an installation project in the Glória Elevator in Lisbon 2019, and the project held as part of the commemoration of the election of the “7 Wonders of Portugal”, Batalha Monastery, in 2008 From the artistic residencies and biennials the most…
Olavo Amado by Icaro
Olavo Amado (1979) was born in São Tomé and Príncipe, where he currently lives and works. He studied art at João Carlos Silva’s (no longer existent) school Espaço Tea D’Arte between 2002 and 2004, and has since participated in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th art biennales of São Tomé and Príncipe, the latter taking place at the City Museum of Lisbon. He has also participated in the 5th and 6th Caracas biennale, Venezuela, and was the executive secretary of the 5th and 6th Biennale of Art and Culture of São Tomé and Príncipe. In 2012, Amado was invited to be director of the national and international exhibitions of CACAU and curated international art exhibition of Santomense, STP MOSTRA at the ARTVISIE gallery in Amsterdam. With artist residencies in Paris (2010), Amsterdam (2011), New York (2015) and Lisbon (2018), he has also held solo exhibition since 2007 in São Tomé…
Filipe Branquinho by Icaro
Filipe Branquinho (1977) was born in Maputo, Mozambique, where he currently lives and works. He studied architecture first in Mozambique and then in Brazil, where he began a self-taught process exploring photography and art. Branquinho’s work addresses social issues in the reality of Mozambique, in particular the peoples’ ways of life, the mythologies and the urban dynamics. In his practice, he explores topics such as the difference of class, culture, politics, collective memory and labour conditions. In 2013, he was selected as a finalist for the BES Photo award with his Showtime series, and with the series Interior Landscapes (2011-2014), he won the Popcap’15 – International Prize for Contemporary African Photography. Branquinho’s work is regularly showcased in galleries, museums, art fairs and festivals. Some of his solo exhibitions include: Gurué at Kulungwana Gallery (Mozambique: 2017); Botânica at FFLC (Mozambique: 2016–2017); Interior Landscapes at Galeria Av, das Índias (Portugal: 2017); Showtime…
Kiluanji Kia Henda by Icaro
Kiluanji Kia Henda (born 1979, Luanda, Angola). His connection with music and avant-garde theatre is an integral part of his education as are his collaborations with various collectives and artists in Luanda. He has participated in several artist-in-residency programs in the cities of Venice, Cape Town, Paris, Amman and Sharjah amongst others. Kia Henda has participated in the following selection of exhibitions: 1st Luanda Triennial (2007); Check List Luanda Pop, African Pavilion , Venice Biennial, 2007; Farewell to Post-Colonialism, Guangzhou Triennial, 2008; There is always a cup of sea to sail in, 29ª Bienal de São Paulo, 2010; Tomorrow Was Already Here, Museo Tamayo, México City, 2012; Les Prairies – Les Ateliers de Rennes, 2012; Mondays Begins On Saturday, 1ª Bergen Triennial, 2013; The Shadows Took Form, The Studio Museum of Harlem, New York, 2013; Producing the Common, Dakar Biennial, Dakar, 2014; The Divine Comedy, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt…
Salomé Lamas by Icaro
Salomé Lamas (Lisbon) studied cinema in Lisbon and Prague, visual arts in Amsterdam and is a Ph. D candidate in contemporary art studies in Coimbra. Her work has been screened both in art venues and film festivals such as Berlinale, BAFICI, Museo Arte Reina Sofia, FIAC, MNAC – Museu do Chiado, DocLisboa, Cinema du Réel, Visions du Réel, MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Harvard Film Archive, Museum of Moving Images NY, Jewish Museum NY, Fid Marseille, Arsenal Institut fur film und videokunst, Viennale, Culturgest, CCB – Centro Cultural de Belém, Hong Kong FF, Museu Serralves, Tate Modern, CPH: DOX, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Genève, Bozar , Tabakalera, ICA London, TBA 21 Foundation, Mostra de São Paulo, CAC Vilnius, MALBA, FAEMA, SESC São Paulo, MAAT, La Biennale di Venezia Architettura, among others. Lamas was granted several fellowships such as the Gardner Film Study Center Fellowship – Harvard…
Binu Bhaskar by Icaro
Binu Bhaskar works with photography and film. His photographic images mark a specific convergence between ecological politics and a poetics of the sublime. His images address us in languages from beyond the familiar usage of the spoken and the sayable. In his photographic practice, Bhaskar does not identify, isolate and capture an object with his lens. Rather, he cultivates a field of meditation by shifting between attentiveness and relaxation, intimacy and distance, familiarity and strangeness, pattern and chance. His works portray a subtle political statement about environmental degradation, vanishing habitats, and endangered livelihoods. Binu Bhaskar, born in 1972, in Kerala, India. Currently works and lives in India. His directorial debut film “Kottayam”, has been to many film festivals including Montreal, IFFK, also winning the best cinematography award at Delhi Film Festival. He completed a degree in Fine Arts in Illustrative Photography from Photography Studies College, Melbourne, and Bachelor in English…
André Príncipe by Icaro
André Príncipe (Porto, 1976). Príncipe studied Psychology at the University of Porto and graduated from the Lisbon Film School in 2001. He exhibits regularly since 2004. Among individual exhibitions: Walls at the Portuguese Centre of Photography (2005); Tunnels (2005), Smell of tiger precedes Tiger (2009) and Master and Everyone (2011) at Galeria Fernando Santos; Non-Fiction at Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Elefante at MAAT (2018), A Hard rain is going to fall (Carlos Carvalho Gallery) (2020). Group exhibitions at Le Bal and Galerie 12 mail in Paris; CGAC – Centro Galego Arte Contemporanea, Santiago Compostela; Vacant ( Tokyo), etc. He has directed and co-directed short and features films, such as “Traces of a diary” (with Marco Martins) and Campo de flamingos sem flamingos. He is the founder and co-editor of the Pierre von Kleist book publishing house. He has published ten books; Tunnels, (Booth-Clibborn Editions, London (2005); Master and Everyone, (2010);…