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Inhabitant Zero residency program: A call for proposals

Inhabitant Zero residency program: A call for proposals

Please submit the requirements to before November 15th 2016

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Inhabitant Zero is a call for proposals for a research residency. Could you be the first inhabitant of Kalejdohill?
Kalejdohill imagines a society where the citizens are inquisitive, involved and pro-active in the making of the places where they live. Therefore, we are inviting individuals or teams to come and stay for a month in the Yellow House on a hill in central Jakobsberg, as a way of introducing the idea of an involved citizen in the post-welfare state landscape of Sweden. For the duration of the residency, the resident or team of residents, will be asked to produce a study, a diary, an investigation or something we haven’t thought of. What it is like to live in a foreign country, in a development before it is developed?
An international jury will select 5 proposals, each for a month-long residency in the Yellow House of Kalejdohill.

Residency slots for Inhabitant zero

15/01- 12/02

08/03 – 05/04

14/04 – 12/05

26/05 – 23/06

16/08 – 13/09