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Hervé Trioreau

Hervé Trioreau


Artist Professor-Researcher at École nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges, France

Founder & Co-Director, Re:Territories/Challenging Borders (International Research & Creation Program)

École nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges

Born in 1974, Hervé Trioreau, laureate of the Villa Médicis Hors-les-Murs in 2003 (Hong Kong, China), has taught at the Énsa Bourges since 2004. Since 1995, Hervé Trioreau (TTrioreau) has been interested in architecture and urban space which he employs in order to deconstruct. His projects confound systems of representations, produce cuttings and thus highlight certain architectural elements, an ensemble of operations that disrupts perception.

TTrioreau develops a work of disturbance of architectural certitudes, evoking a process of deconstruction, an archeological approach to an architectural unconscious. His projects conceptualize architecture as a polemic process. In a methodical dismemberment of ideals linked to modern space, they interrogate our confidence in the structural solidity of the building, in its immobility and its permanence, to describe it as interval, passage, transition…

Until 2000, TTrioreau worked will Vincent Protat (protaTTrioreau) and since 2000, currently runs his projects alone: in 2001 at the gallery of l’Énsa, La Box, as well as the gallery of the cloister of the École des Beaux-Arts de Rennes (The Sarajevo Holiday Inn On Fire) and, more recently, at the Centre d’Art Contemporain du Fort du Bruissin (Spacificity, In Search of the Disappearance of the Miraculous), at the Frac des Pays de la Loire (Fragmentations – Trajectoires contre-nature) and lastly at the Frac Bretagne (Desquamated Space) and in 2013, at the Biennale of Design of Saint-Étienne (In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.), at the Frac des Pays de la Loire (De belles sculptures contemporaines, En Suspension) and at the Chalet Society (Atelier des Testeurs – At The Audience: “My Friend Dreamed Of Me As A Serial Killer”). Next exhibition (2016-2018): At The Audience: “Towards The Development Of A Cinema Cavern Or The Movie Goer As Spelunker”.

TTrioreau’s proposals are written in a reflection linked to the nature of the urban system. His installations move around the structure itself of the spaces built. They put into place the displacements that perturb our perception and display in a political fashion the normative character of the architecture. His work intervenes in the urban intervals; he establishes junctions in the interior/exterior relations. Taking into account the stakes linked to urbanism, and not looking at the only representation, he necessarily and principally creates “in situ” outside of the exhibition places. TTrioreau concentrates himself of the structures of the urban tissue. His interventions in the state of things in architecture are often very radical and contrary to the established ideas on the role and the meaning of the construction domain. In his system of transformations, the inside and the outside represent only relative notions, as well as the relation between the whole and detail, between real and imaginary space. There where we build, we also demolish: the city and its buildings are variables in the submission of market logic. The buildings lose their prestigious character of architectural creation to become just a good opportunity for investment of capital that, when it will not bring any more money in, is invested elsewhere, leaving these constructions to deteriorate. Only the documents and the models resist these manipulations of the market. TTrioreau’s devices work on the urban zones, on their walls and their memory. Searching to include all the possibilities, he creates hybrid territories that are constituted by default or hegemony and put the body into proof by depriving the usual partitions. These are transgressed or transgressive spaces that do not offer a definitive equilibrium because the limit becomes blurred at the profit of the interference. If the changing appears always imminent, in reality it is already effective: without a real place of existence, he invests the ensemble of a territory, transforms it into a hybrid zone where the frontiers retract. TTrioreau exhibits the production of anomal structures, immanent to the field of urban normalization. The architecture is only static by way of the controlled identity that it assigns. In proposing an alternative perspective, the installation inscribes itself as a polemic process. It questions our confidence in the structural solidity of buildings, in their immobility and their permanence, to describe them as intervals, passages, transitions…