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Marco Fedele di Catrano

Marco Fedele di Catrano is an interdisciplinary visual artist whose different creative practices aim to bridge the gulf between art and society.

His work in the fields of installation, sculpture, photography and video is characterized by an intuitive handling of materials, objects and spaces. In many cases, he processes found, elementary materials which get reconfigured in a synthetic and metaphorical form. His aim is to bind a minimal form with subjects of existential and social-political relevance. By juxtaposing private and public spheres, intimacy, violence and vulnerability, his work tries to give an image to rationalized and economy-based human processes, which most of the time stay unseen and unrepresented. His site-specific interventions are made in dialogue with an existing architecture, both indoor as in urban spaces.

His works have been exhibited, among others, in Joan Miro’ Foundation (Barcelona), CII Fabrika (Moscow), Ekaterina Cultural Foundation (Moskow), Haus fur Kunst Uri (Altdorf), la rada (Locarno), Kunstraum Walcheturm (Zurich), Museo Maga (Gallarate), Museum Mestna Galerija (Lubiana), Ram radioartemobile (Rome), Gallery Mario Iannelli (Berlin), Kunstmuseum Thun (Thun), American Academy (Rome), WUK (Vienna) and Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow). He has participated to the parallel program of the 7th Moscow Biennale, to the 54 Venice Biennale, within “Extroversion”, a project by Franz West, as well as in “Epicentro” – a project for Venice Biennale of Architecture, in 2010. He won the Swiss Federal Price for Visual Art “Swiss Art Awards 2013”.

He currently lives and works between Italy (Rome) and Switzerland (Zurich). He earned his MFA from the Zhdk (Zurich School of Art).