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Talk with Raphael Fonseca

“To and fro – the hammocks in Brazil between an archive of images and a curatorial project”

Date: 27 February 2019

Time: 18h

Venue: Hangar – Centro de Investigação Artística

Photo: “Oca do futuro” (2017), by Sallisa Rosa.

“This talk will focus on my doctoral research about the iconographies of the hammocks and their relations with notions of identity in Brazil. During four years of research I was able to collect more than nine hundred images that made this association and that brought different discourses around the notion of Brazilianness. These groups of images were analyzed within their historical contexts and constituted the basis of an investigation in the field of art history. Recently, with the need to transform research into a curatorial project – that is, bringing the virtuality of the archive to the physicality of an exhibition space – it was necessary to review concepts, images and artists. This talk, therefore, will address these two different modes of operation and research challenges.”


Raphael Fonseca is a researcher in the areas of curatorship, art history, criticism and education. Curator of the MAC Niterói and professor at Colégio Pedro II. Doctor in Criticism and History of Art by UERJ. He was awarded the Marcantonio Vilaça Prize for curatorship (2015) and the curatorial prize of the São Paulo Cultural Center (2017). Resident curator at the Institute of Contemporary Arts of Singapore (2019) and at the Manchester School of Art (2016). He writes regularly for ArtNexus magazine. Among his recent projects, he highlightes “Lost and found” (ICA Singapore, 2019), “The sun teaches us that history is not everything” (Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong 2018); “Dorminhocos – Pierre Verger” (Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro, 2018); “Sonia Gomes – a vida renasce, sempre” (MAC Niterói, 2018); “Luiz Roque – televisão” (MAC Niterói, 2018), among others.