In the exhibition “Cuaderno de ejercicios”, Camnitzer invites the public to follow the instructions drawing on the white walls of the galleries.
“Supposedly matter only exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
a) Speculate on the consequences of a liquid sky b) Explain the fate of the clouds c) There are twelve steps between unhappiness and happiness “
How would you describe each of these steps?
In each creative workshop about the exhibition, centered on Camnitzer’s instructions we will draw and write on the white walls of the gallery. Other media will also be explored: canvas, paper, empty room, photography and video. In each day a work happens!
“The museum is a school. The artist learns to communicate. The public learns to make connections.”
Date: 14, 21, 28 September, 12.19 and 26 October 2019
Hours: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: HANGAR Artistic Research Center, Damasceno Monteiro Street, 12 (Graça)
Price: 6 € general public, 4 € Hangar friends or members Subject to registration, children / families
Number of participants: Minimum 5 and maximum 12
Mini Hangar: 6 – 14 years old
Participatory: 15 – 25 years
Registrations: Ana de Almeida
+351 218 870 490 l +351 93 843 90 60 |
The Participation Program (Educational Service) will also be available for school groups, by appointment.