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BOOK LAUNCH | Q-Notes #2

Book Launch

Q-Notes #2

Questions in Theory and Art Practices

Saturday, November 18th


Adress – Rua Damasceno Monteiro n12, 1170-108 Lisboa

Q-Notes:Questions in Theory and Art Practices is a series of publications that gathers transcribed seminars and artists’ talks given at HANGAR – Centre of Artistic Research as part of its research, exhibition, publication and public programme. In this series we also publish artists’ thoughts and the papers they have shared with Hangar. The ‘Q’ in ‘Q-notes’ is short for ‘question’ and stands for the interrogative. For us, questions are key. These talks ask questions and interrogate what has come to be accepted as the ‘common sense’ of the art world and artistic practice.

After a successful inaugural edition, which included thoughts and reflections by Irit Rogoff, Bonaventure Soh Benejng Ndkiung and Sammy Baloji, among others, Hangar Books launches Q-Notes 2 includes texts emerging from presentations given at Hangar between 2021 to 2023, by curators and cultural theorists such as Silvia Federici, Azu Nwagbogu, Hicham Khalidi, Walton Muyumba and Claire Bishop. Some of these talks took place during the Covid–19 pandemic and the lockdown, when part of Hangar’s program was developed online.