WORKSHOP | The symptoms of the world by Icaro May 13, 2024 0 News, Workshop

The symptoms of the world

Workshop with Susana Caló | ‘On The Wolf’s Trail’ – Session 8

May 20th, 6 to 9pm

Rua Damasceno Monteiro, 12 r/c, 1170-112 Lisboa

In Portuguese

3rd floor, no elevator

Free entry, participation limited to 20 people

Register by May 14th by sending a brief, one-paragraph statement of interest

If symptoms are also symptoms of the world, rather than individual expressions of a single and isolated body, then the only possible therapy is one that recollectivises it and makes itself transversal to extended bodies and their ecologies. What other practices, equipment and institutions would this correspond to? And to what other articulations of knowledge and practice?

This work of decolonising mental health can only be done with the convergence of all those involved in its experience and from a knowledge that is body, popular and diverse. We therefore invite patients, families, mental health activists, health professionals, all those interested and affected to share their experiences in the first voice, so that together we can develop a less organised and more liberated way of thinking.

If the world is sick, the healthiest thing to do is to create the collective conditions for its transformation.

A more detailed programme for the workshop will be circulated to all participants in advance and will include short reading suggestions.

Susana Caló is a researcher in philosophy, institutional psychotherapy, minor histories of psychiatry and psychopolitics. She studied psychology and philosophy. Her PhD in philosophy focussed on the politics of language and semiotics in the work of the activist and psychoanalyst Félix Guattari. Her research focuses on neglected histories of psy practices in their intersections with wider social and political struggles and is influenced by weaving networks between mental health activist collectives and alternative collective care practices, and she has organised several group forums in the UK and France. He is part of the collectives Other Ways to Care, Chaosmosemedia and Earthsea.

‘On the Wolf’s Trail’ Research program curated and mentored by Margarida Mendes

“On the Wolf’s Trail” is a programme of sensory practices and lectures focused on decolonial ecology and restorative justice that explores pedagogical formats to debate forms of collective repair, restoration, resilience, and healing. Along four years, sessions will be led by practitioners from the fields of arts, environmental humanities, and post-colonial studies, and embrace topics such as mutualism and reciprocity, working towards the repair ancestral relations.