March 29th, 2018 | Thursday | 6pm to 8pm
Artists in Residency
Abel Shah (UK/NL)
Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes (USA)
Olavo Amado (São Tomé)
Miha Strukelj (Slovenia)
Invited curator: Cristiana Tejo
The artist will talk about theis practices and show their works developed during the residency at Hangar.
Abel Shah
Abel Shah is a collaboration between the artists Alexandra Bell (UK, 1993) and Giulia Shah (NL, 1987).
“With an open and experimental research into a collaborative practice, our work investigates the relationship between image and object, structures of value and (re)presentation of “things” in a virtual and physical world. Our work is influenced by issues of societal power structures. Collecting and creating objects, texts, image and sound, which manifest into multi-media installations, our work aims to obstruct and exploit the ideas of substance and confuse the signs of status. By showing these ‘things’ in relation to each other, dialogues between ‘things’ and networks of meaning exist that create a constellation: an alternative perspective or understanding of value structures.””

Olavo Amado
“Amole Pedaçu” – Manta de Retalhos
O trabalho é inspirado nos bairros históricos de formas quase labirínticas, nos azulejos que enfeitam as paredes dos prédios antigos cheios de histórias que cruzam com histórias dos moradores (que reclamam) do cruzar de gentes que vêm e que vão.
Esses retalhos de histórias e de vidas de cada uma dessas pessoas ecoaram-me nos ouvidos, como o som de uma máquina de costura que vi e fui vendo no decorrer das minhas caminhadas pelas ruas históricas da cidade. E que me levaram a uma viagem no tempo já passado, quando a minha avó, com a sua já velha “SINGER” made in China, costurava os retalhos dos tecidos que estavam dispersos pelo chão do seu ateliê para fazer manta que servia de cobertor em noites menos quente. Esta Manta de Retalhos, são histórias de gentes de várias latitudes que migram, trazendo e levando sonhos na bagagem, e que com o passar do tempo vão alternando entre o sonhar e a vontade de viver.” OA

Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes
“I am heavily vested in continuum within the African diaspora and its myriad spiritual and artistic practices. Lisbon has remained a point of access and dispersion without interruption for eons. I travelled here in search of old pathways (literal and figurative) and to study large and mid-scale public sculpture rendered in bronze and stone. Being that these traditions – contrary to the popular narrative of western art history, are resultant of the knowledge base and artisans of the African diaspora, Lisbon is replete with that ancient energy and lingering embedded aesthetic, even in an increasing absence of the descendants of the makers of.” M.A-B.