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Artist / Educator: Colectivo Osso

Dates: March – April

Target Audience: Young people from the African diaspora or immigrants, between 18 and 30 years old

Price: FREE!


This Workshop includes three main lines of action, introduction and framing of the history of radio in the 20th and 21st centuries, deepening of technical audio skills in the radio fields, and training for content creation.


OSSO is a collective that includes artists and researchers from different areas (music and sound arts, visual arts, photography, dance, performance, design, architecture and film). Since 2012, it has been developing its activity around the support of creation, research, programming and training, predominantly transdisciplinary, in collaboration with other artists and collectives, supported by public and private partnerships.

Its projects, markedly experimental in nature, seek to explore artistic practices in articulation with a critical, aesthetic and political thought that contemplates the specificity of the contexts and territories in which they are inserted.


•  The workshop is aimed at young people from the African diaspora or immigrants, between the ages of 18 and 30;
•  CV with phone number and email address;
•  Be available to attend the free workshop full time and for the full duration of the workshop.

The applications must be sent only to the email: until February 20th, 2021
Specify in the subject: Workshop de Rádio

DEADLINE: February 20th, 2021

The Space Station Lisbon project is supported by EnergiaBIP/ZIP

Logotipos: Câmara municipal de Lisboa, BIP ZIP