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Mónica de Miranda

Mónica de Miranda

Mónica is an artist and researcher. Her work is based on themes of urban archaeology and personal geographies. Mónica has a visual art degree from Camberwell College of arts (London, 1998); a master’s degree in art and education at the Institute of Education (London, 2000) and a PhD in visual art from the University of Middlesex (London, 2014). She has received the support from the Foundation for Science and Technology. She is currently developing her research project: Post- archive at CEC (Centre of Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon) .

Mónica is one of the founders of the artistic project of residences Triangle Network in Portugal and the founder of the Project Hangar (Center of artistic research in Lisbon, 2014). She was nominated for Novo Banco Photo prize and exhibited at Museu Berardo ( Lisbon, 2016). Mónica was also nominated for Prix Piclet Photo Award (2016). She also exhibited at Photo Paris (Paris,2013), Arco (Madrid, 2013), Arco Lisbon ( Lisbon, 2016).

Her solo exhibitions include: ” Arrivals and departures” (Palácio D. Manuel, Évora, 2016), “Hotel Globo” (Museu Nacional de arte contemporânea do Chiado, Lisbon, 2015) “Arquipélago” (Galeria Carlos Carvalho , Lisbon, 2014), “Erosion” (Appleton Square, Lisbon, 2013), “An Ocean Between Us” (Plataforma Revólver, Lisbon, 2012); “Novas Geografias” (198 Gallery, London / Plataforma Revólver, Lisbon / Imagem HF, Amsterdam, 2008).

Her collective exhibitions include:: “Contemporary African Art and Aesthetics of Translations” Dakar biennial (Dakar, 2016); “Telling Time” (Rencontres de Bamako Biennale Africaine de la Photographie 10 éme edition, Bamako, 2015); “Ilha de São Jorge” (14th Biennial of Architecture of Veneza, 2014); “Line Trap” (Bienal de São Tomé e Principe, 2013); “An Ocean Between Us” (Paris Foto, Paris / Arco, Madrid, 2013); “Do silêncio ao outro Hino” (Centro Cultural Português, Mindelo, Praia, Cape Verde 2012 ); “Once upon a time” (Carpe Diem, Lisbon, 2012); “L’Art est un sport de combat” (Musée des Beaux Arts de Calais, France, 2011); “This location” (Mojo Gallery, Dubai, 2010); “She Devil” (Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rome, 2010); “Mundos Locais” (Centro Cultural de Lagos / Allgarve, Lagos, 2008); “Do you hear me ” (Estado do Mundo, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 2008); “United Nations” (Singapure Fringe Festival, Singapure, 2007).

Mónica de Miranda has participated in various residencies such as: Artchipelago (French Institute, Mauritius, 2014), “Verbal Eyes” (Tate Britain, London, 2009); “Muyehlekete” (Museu Nacional de Arte, Maputo, 2008), “Living Together” (British Council/ Iniva, Georgia/London, 2008). She exhibits regularly and internationally since 2004.

Her work is represented in private and public collections.