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Margherita Isola

Margherita Isola (Faenza,1977), lives and works between Italy and Brazil. Graduated in History of the Performing Arts by the University of Florence, in Dance Pedagogy by RIDC- Rencontre Internationale de Danse Contemporaine de Paris, she was resident at the Accademia Isola Danza- Biennale di Venezia directed by Carolyn Carlson. Since 2007 she has worked as a visual artist and performer, mixing practices and medias: Performance, installation, embroidery, engraving, graphic arts, painting and collages.
Isola presented works and performances at Charleroi Danse Biennal 2011; Leyden Gallery, London; Grace Exhibition Space – New York; Festival Trouble 8 # Space for Live Art – Brussels; International Biennial of Young Art – Moscow, among others. The artist collaborates with TAL TechArtLab, in Rio de Janeiro and she is currently artist in residence at FAAP, Sao Paulo, and at the Choreographic Center of Rio de Janeiro.