Giulia Frascino by Editor May 25, 2019 0 Portfolios

Giulia Frascino (São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, 1995) is a visual artist trained in Visual Arts at FAAP-São Paulo. She lives and works in her studio in São Paulo.

The project “Invento sendo outra coisa, daí posso existir” (“I invent being something else, so I can exist”) is part of a phrase present in the “Book of Ignorance” by the poet Manoel de Barros: “unlearning eight times a day teaches principles”. The Brazilian writer is one of the great references of the current artistic production of Giulia. From her thoughts and writing mode, the project consists of placing the artist before a daily situation that will be developed and lived during the period of residence. “Unlearn” 8 times a day during residence days (except Saturday and Sunday), resulting in approximately 300 to 400 visual/sensory exercises. What is at issue is to propose to herself another way of observing things and surroundings in trying to unlearn, rename and denote everything that already exists. These small “actions” and daily interruptions will be materialized in several ways: drawings, sound, photographic records, paper, objects, text, etc.