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Giada Pignotti

Giada Pignotti (b.1992) lives and works in Milan (IT). She holds an MA in Fine Art (Painting and Visual Arts) from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts of Milan.

Her research has always been deeply intertwined with her relationship to drawing, a medium she has relied on since childhood to describe, narrate, and construct processes—whether they be narrative, investigative, or transformative. Since 2017, she has delved into the more performative and narrative aspects of drawing, experimenting with her voice as a kind of counterpart or negative to the visual medium. Oscillating between the two, she treats them as mirrors, using both to explore and express her ideas in a dynamic interplay.

Her work has been exhibited in several group shows: in Bergamo (Work, food for soul 2016), Genoa (The wolf used to bark every night, 2018) and Milan (Latibule – Walk in studio Festival, 2019, ReA! Art Fair, 2021; RÊVE, Terminus Digital Art, 2023); in 2020 LA CANTANTE – ep. 3, was published in the web playlist of the HELICOTREMA – Recorded Audio Festival curated by BLAUERHASE. In 2021, she presented her first solo exhibition at Nowhere Gallery, Milan. In 2022, with LA CANTANTE, she participated in the PERFORMA24 festival curated by ZonaBlu (Milan).