Dream Turn by Icaro August 18, 2023 0 News

Dream Turn


Jutta Ravenna [DE]

Quartel Largo Cabeço de Bola


A room is prepared with several rotating speakers (Leslie speakers) placed on the floor, on tables and on the walls. The listener himself is the actor of the sound variation. Walking around the room, sitting, lying down, standing in an upright or bent posture, but also all kinds of head and body movements promote a variety of sound nuances. tonal nuances. This highly unusual hearing situation is caused by the arrangement of sound sources on the ceiling, tables or floor.

In addition to the computer-generated microtonal frequencies, the sound of rotating Portuguese windmill blades can also be heard in the sound installation “Dream Turn”. Jutta Ravenna, german sound artist, has been collecting field recordings of sounding windmills from different regions of Portugal, in collaboration with the Lusófona University of Lisbon, since 2022. The artist is particularly interested in the spatialization of sound through the windmill. We can interpret the fascinating windmills as kinetic sound objects due to their moving resonators on the blades: linked to natural forces such as wind energy.

The project is supported by Sonoscopia, the Goethe Institute and the Lusophone University of Lisbon.