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Demythologize That History and Put It to Rest

26 de Maio, 4pm, Estatua Dom Carlos I, Palacio da Ajuda, Lisboa
Performance Kiluanji Kia Henda (Angola)
Performance Lavoisier (Portugal)

2 de Junho, 4pm, Estatua Dom Carlos I, Palacio da Ajuda, Lisboa
Angela Ferreira – (Mozambique/Portugal)
Marcio Carvalho – (Portugal/Alemanha)

3 de Junho, 6pm, Hangar – Centro de Investigação Artistica, Lisboa
Conversa com Marcio Carvalho e Elsa Peralta

Demythologize That History and Put it to Rest aims to challenge the idea of remembrance formed by statues, monuments, street names and other Eurocentric colonial memorials and sites of remembrance in Lisbon and Berlin’s public spaces. Lacking a present contextualization the objects continue to overshadow the perspective and histories of African communities and their epistemological systems and commemorate a romanticized Eurocentric history. The expense thereof being the oppression of Black Africans. The project is involved in creating and presenting artistic interventions in Lisbon and Berlin’s public spaces. The aim, to demythologize the narratives around these monuments and their influence on the various aspects of public remembering and forgetting, and to counter the ways they have been shaping our present thinking, experience and imagination.

Inspired by Edouard Glissant’s assertion that history and its formation should not be left to historians alone, the artist Marcio Carvalho invited fellow artists from Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Iraq, Mozambique and Portugal to present live performances and public discussions to counter-monumentalize these crystalized objects, to demythologize their hegemonic, western narratives and to search for other memories and other narratives. The 9 artists will focus on the monuments of two historical personalities who exerted huge influences on the colonization of Africa by the European powers during the so-called Congo Conference (1884/85) in Berlin: Otto von Bismarck (Tiergarten, Berlin) and King Charles I (Palacio da Ajuda, Lisbon).

Demythologize that History and Put it to Rest is an art project by Marcio Carvalho in collaboration with the art space SAVVY Contemporary and its archive project Colonial Neighbours, Hangar – Centro de Investigação Artística and the Gabinete de Estudos Olisiponenses.

Full Program

APRIL, 2018
18th April, Berlin
Performance Christian Etongo (Cameroon)
Memorial Otto Von Bismarck, Tiergarten, Berlin

5th May, Berlin
Urnamo (Ali Al-Fatlawi and Wathiq Al-Ameri) – (Iraq/Switzerland)
Marcio Carvalho (Portugal/DE)
Memorial Otto Von Bismarck, Tiergarten, Berlin

MAY, 2018
18th May, Berlin
Exhibition / opening (Chapter 1 – Berlin) – Inside Berlin Biennial Program
Savvy Contemporary

26th May, Lisbon
Performance Kiluanji Kia Henda (Angola)
Performance Lavoisier (Portugal)
Statue Dom Carlos I, Palacio da Ajuda, Lisbon

JUNE, 2018
2nd June, Lisbon
Angela Ferreira – (Mozambique/Portugal)
Marcio Carvalho – (Portugal/DE)
Statue Dom Carlos I, Palacio da Ajuda, Lisboa

3rd June, Lisbon
Seminar with Marcio Carvalho e Elsa Peralta
Hangar – Centro de Investigação Artistica, Lisbon

17th June, Berlin
Performance Nathalie Bikoro (Gabon/DE)
Memorial Otto Von Bismarck, Tiergarten, Berlin

13th September, Berlin
Exhibition opening (Capitulo 2 – Lisboa) – inside Geographies of Imagination exhibition
Savvy Contemporary, Berlin

