An artist in residence position is open, starting in 2024 and continuing for a 6-months period, in the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, a joint project of THE SCHAUFLER FOUNDATION and TUD Dresden University of Technology.

Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, launched in 2019, was initiated with the goal of exploring and elucidating the complex relationships among humans, machines, technology and the world from the perspective of the arts, humanities and social sciences. The Lab consists of the two pillars Schaufler Kolleg@TU Dresden (a research training group) and Schaufler Residency@TU Dresden.
The first funding phase (2020-2024) focused on Artificial Intelligence as factor and consequence of societal and cultural change. The resident artists were Christian Kosmas Mayer (2020), Anton Ginzburg (2021), Esmeralda Conde Ruiz (2022) and Rosa Barba (2023/24). In the second funding phase of the Lab (2024–2027) the central topic is “Data↔Worlds. Sociotechnical and cultural syntheses of new realities“. Fellows from the humanities and social sciences and the resident artists will conduct research on this theme in close exchange with scientists from the university’s STEM disciplines (mathematics, natural sciences and engineering).
The Lab ́s residency programme offers committed and internationally active artists or artist groups the unique opportunity to conduct artistic research on “Data↔Worlds”. It addresses artists or artist groups from the fields of media art, conceptual art, performance, etc. During the residency, the artist or artist groups are part of TUD’s scientific community of researchers and students and may draw on resources for artistic and creative productions, both of TUD and of our cooperation partners. The partners are Dresden University of Fine Arts, Ars Electronica Linz, and Hellerau – European Center for the Arts, etc.
The Schaufler Residency@TU Dresden includes:
• Access to a competitive array of institutes and workshops for artistic research
• A stipend of € 3,000.00 (net) a month for 6 months
• A studio at TUD
• Production support of up to € 10,000
• Solo exhibition at the conclusion of the residency with a catalogue by a respected fine arts publishing house (Sandstein Verlag Dresden)
• Assistance finding accommodation
Artists have until December 1, 2023 to apply with concepts for projects to be completed in 2024/25 at TUD in the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden. Projects should focus on the interface between art and science, explicitly artistic intelligence and its implications for society and the culture of objects. The
selection of the artist is made by the Residency ́s selection committee. It includes the contact persons from the Office for Academic Heritage (Kustodie), as well as Gerfried Stocker, artistic
director of Ars Electronica, Linz; Barbara Bergmann, director of SCHAUWERK Sindelfingen; Prof.
Oliver Kossack, rector of Dresden University of Fine Arts; Prof. Dr. Manuel Frey, director of the
Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony; and Jan Gerken, chancellor of the TUD.