Barbara Prada by Icaro February 11, 2022 0 Portfolios

I am an ecofeminist designer, who lives and works in Brussels.

Much of my work to date has explored our relationship with food and how it can define our social ecology. On the one hand, the connection is primal, as food is what sustains us as a species. On the other hand, I am more interested in food as an artistic tool/material and as a storytelling device.

Recently, in both the Edible Library and the Recapitulation Space, I worked with organic and audiotechnology materials in each of these senses. These works sought to incite a series of unexpected reactions in an interactive space. First, a doubt about what is being shown, followed by a curiosity and, then, interaction. Through each exchange, these spaces are in constant flux, revealing more details and inviting the participant to connect and perform.

The common ingredient that spices my body of work is the urge to generate melancholy, detachment and balance, they shows the beauty and the painful landscape originated by the human, non human and artificial life.