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Filming as an Encounter: falling, blindness, and motion

Title: Filming as an Encounter: falling, blindness, and motion.

Date: March 29th 2022, 7pm

Local: R. Damasceno Monteiro, 12 R/C | 1170-112 – Lisboa – 3º floor

Film screening of selected works produced in Hangar and conversation between film director Gianmarco Donaggio and art scholar João Gaspar.


“Something in the world forces us to think. This something is an object not of recognition but of a fundamental encounter. […] In whichever tone, its [encounter] primary characteristic is that it can only be sensed. In this sense it is opposed to recognition. In recognition, the sensible is not at all that which can only be sensed, but that which bears directly upon the senses in an object which can be recalled, imagined or conceived.”

Within this quote, Gilles Deleuze underlines a distinction between the act of recognising and encountering. Starting from this premise Gianmarco Donaggio in conversation with João Gaspar will discuss the unexpressed potentialities of the cinematic space as a potential realm of affection, intensity, and sensation beyond representation.

Titulo: Filming as an Encounter: falling, blindness, and motion.

Data: 29 Março 2022, às 19h

Local: R. Damasceno Monteiro, 12 R/C | 1170-112 – Lisboa – 3º piso

Exibição de filme, projectos selecionados e produzidos no Hangar e conversa entre o cineasta Gianmarco Donaggio e o estudioso de arte João Gaspar.


“Something in the world forces us to think. This something is an object not of recognition but of a fundamental encounter. […] In whichever tone, its [encounter] primary characteristic is that it can only be sensed. In this sense it is opposed to recognition. In recognition, the sensible is not at all that which can only be sensed, but that which bears directly upon the senses in an object which can be recalled, imagined or conceived.”

Nessa citação, Gilles Deleuze destaca uma distinção entre o ato de reconhecer e o de encontro. Partindo dessa premissa Gianmarco Donaggio em conversa com João Gaspar discutirá as potencialidades não expressas do espaço cinematográfico como um reino potencial de afeto, intensidade e sensação além da representação.