- 12/6, Tuesday, 6pm – Artist talk with Alexandre Estrela (PT)
- 12/7, Wednesday, 6pm – Artist talk with Hélice’s artists (Duarte Amaral Netto, João Paulo Serafim, Rodrigo Tavarela Peixoto, Valter Ventura) (PT)
- 12/8, Thursday, 6pm – Talk with international participant artists and Curador Jeanne Mercier (TN) + Public Dinner l 10euros l booking: geral@hangar.com.pt
- 12/9, Friday, 6pm – talk with national participants artists and Curator Bruno Leitao (PT)
- 12/10, Saturday, 6pm – Seminar “Artist’s independent spaces and residencies” with Director of Gasworks, Alessio Antoniolli (UK) and participants artists. + Public African Dinner + Music with Gerson Marta + DJ Ricardo Maneira l 10euros l booking: geral@hangar.com.pt
- 12/17, Saturday, 3pm – Open Day. Dinner | 10euros | booking: geral@hangar.com.pt
*program subject to change l Talks in English