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THE PHOTOGRAPHY RESIDENCIES musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac


15 March 2020

For more information



Download the complete application file until the March 15th 2020, deadline for the submission of the applications (postmarked by the deadline date) :

– Application call

– Contact form

All application packages must be sent by postal way at the following address:
Résidences photographiques
Direction du développement culturel
musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac
222 rue de l’Université,
75343 Paris Cedex 07

Simultaneously a museum, a cultural center, and a place for research and teaching, the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac was born from the political desire to highlight non-European cultures, in the heart of Paris. The museum gathers a collection of 300 000 objects, a considerable collection of graphic art and a photographic collection composed of more than 700 000 pieces.

The Museum’s policy is based on a dynamic and opened proposal: “where cultures meet in dialogue.” This idea is the driving force behind most of the Museum’s lines of action: cultural programming, disseminating and sharing knowledge and expertise with the collections’ cultures of origin, international cooperation, and making the collections available to others.

In the perspective of supporting non-European contemporary creation, in particular in the field of photography, the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac has launched since 2008 an artistic creation subsidy program. The Photography Residencies program gives every year one or several photographers – native from one of the four continents represented in the musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac collections – the chance to develop an innovative work, in coherence with their personal aesthetic path.

The musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac Photography Residencies benefit to the support and enhancement of an artistic expression barely visible in France, by financing part or all of a creative project. The photographic works produced as part as this program are intended to enrich the Museum’s collections at the end of every residency period. Thus, they contribute to the constitution of the Museum’s contemporary photographic collection.

For inquiries or problems with the application, email: fellows [at]