The world is currently facing a critical situation: alarming changes in nature and our environment are all around us; biodiversity is disappearing; air and water sources are increasingly polluted; sea levels are rising; and extreme weather phenomena are escalating.
Now, more than ever, we need the arts and culture to help us respond; to inspire and motivate us by challenging our perceptions, encouraging communal action by introducing intersectional and trans-disciplinary perspectives, and centering non-hegemonic forms of knowledge to envision alternative models of climate justice in the world.
Cultural & Artistic Responses to Environmental Change is a year-long interdisciplinary programme aimed at accelerating engaged community-based cultural practices at the intersection of arts and the environment, initiating an international network of creatives, and fostering leadership. Through this programme we create a platform to explore critical artistic practices, connect engaged practitioners across the world, stimulate cross-disciplinary exchange and amplify new perspectives on environmental change.
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