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Marita Isobel Solberg

MARITA ISOBEL SOLBERG B.1977, Tromsø, Norway

Marita Isobel Solberg is a visual artist, chanter and musician who works with numerous artistic directions that includes performance art, sculpture, ceramics, soundart and installationart. She holds holds a master’s degree from Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

Marita grew up in Manndalen / Olmmáivággi / Olmavankka in the Northern-Troms region, but her closest ancestral roots are from the Northern-Norwegian Sámi, Swedish and Finnish. She has since childhood explored different artistic and musical genres, and enjoys a career as musician and vocalist. Currently working from an artist studio at Kysten-Troms Fylkeskultursenter in Tromsø, Norway, she actively lives a nomadic life on the Norwegian and international music and art scene.

As part of her practice, Solberg incorporates her strong connection to the northern Norwegian culture and landscape by actively supporting the Arctic cultural scene. She has participated in Nordland Music Art Week, The Riddu Riđđu Festival, Barents Spektakkel, North-Norwegian Art Center in Svolvær, Bukta Open Air Festival, The True Northern Arts Festival, Vårscenefest, North Norwegian Art Museum in Tromsø, Sámi Dáiddáguovvdas, the fictional Sámi Daiddamusea and Tromsø Center for Contemporary Art.

Select exhibitions include Satellite Art Show and X-Contemporary – Art Basel, Miami, Pittsburgh Performance Art Festival, MoCA- Taiwan, Nordic Art Week-Estonia, Korundi-Rovaniemi, Haihatus-Joutsa, Oslo Performance Art Festival, Rosekill Summe, New York, Ephemeral Arts Connection-Sicily, The Great Hudson River Revival-NY, Grace Exhibition Space -NYC, Museum of nonconformist art (MNA)- St. Petersburg, Strangelove Festival-UK, Venice Agendas-Venice and Newcastle, and Anchorage Museum-Alaska.

A common denominator for her projects is the profound intention to challenge the audience – and herself, by reaching into the innermost being of the spectator, creating deep vibrations through sound and the human connection, that which can transform our senses. Her artistic themes circle around a central core containing the intuitive presence, togetherness, spiritual technologies, connections and reflections around wholeness.

Marita is a member of North-Norwegian Visual Artists Foundation, Sámi Artist Union, NyMusikk, Radart, Gramart, TONO, Musikernes Fellesorganisasjon and Norsk Artistforbund