Ágota Végső is a Hungarian animated film director, illustrator and producer. She finished her studies at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, MOME, in 2012, with two master degrees from animation and teaching. She attended The Animation European Production Workshop, ASF, in 2012/13. She had the opportunity to participate in the Open Workshop program at The Animation Workshop (TAW) in Denmark in 2014. From 2014 she is working for The Animation Workshop (TAW) as a Producer, Production Manager organising an educational video making collaboration with TED-Ed. Since 2017 she’s been the Project Coordinator of the one month long residency and mentorship program for Asian and Scandinavian talents in various media related to animation in Viborg called NINOKO Universe Accelerator (ex. NipponNordic). She started to paint with aquarelle in 2015 as a travel sketcher and with acrylic in 2019 as a hobby-painter. Painting became her main artistic activity besides her producer work.