Artistic Residency and Urban Intervention
June 23 to July 1st, 2017

OPAVIVARÁ! (Rio de Janeiro, 2015) is an art collective from Rio de Janeiro acting in public spaces of cities, galleries and cultural institutions, questioning the use of private and public spaces, through the creation of relational objects that provide collective experience. Since its creation in 2005, the group has been actively creating situations that activate and increase the power of life: how to drink and dance together, or celebrate any day gathered in the square, at the beach or on the street, like a carnival out of season, feeding and spreading the transformational power. The collective proposes the practice of a public art in a public moment, collectively, temporarily and mobile, which promotes redefinition of spaces, regardless of their conditions; it’s from the public to the public.
Selected actions:
Utupya, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
In Kitchen Drumming, (performance) Guggenheim Museum, Nova Iorque, EUA
Transnômades, Live Uncertainty, 32a Bienal de São Paulo, curated by Jochen Volz, São Paulo, Brazil
Vivemos na melhor cidade da América do Sul, curated by Victor Gorgulho and Bernardo de Souza, Espaço Átomos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Brazil, Beleza?!, curated by Carolyn Drake, Beldeen Ann Zee, The Hague, Holland
Soft Power, curated by Robbert Roos, Kunsthall KAdE, Amersfoort, Holland
Formosa Decelerator, Projeto Brasil, curated by Ricardo Carmona, HAU 2, Berlin, Germany
Transnomaden, Projeto Brasil, curated by Matthias Pees, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt, Germany
Formosa Decelerator, Projeto Brasil, curated by Alfonso Hug and Paula Borghi, HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts, Dresden, Germany
Cariocas, Renaissance, Lille 3000, Maison Folie Wazemmes, Lille, France.
Formosa Decelerator, Unlimited Basel, Basel Art Fair.
The City is Ours, the Body is Mine: Urban Spatial Practices in Contemporary Latin America, CUNY Graduate Center of the City University of New York, US.
Encruzilhada, curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, Parque Lage Visual Arts School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Paladar Público, 12o Bienal de la Habana, “Entre la idea y la experiencia”, Cuba.
Taipei Biennial, “The Great Acceleration – Art in the Anthropocene”, Taipei Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan, curated by Nicolas Bourriaud
This program is part of “Lisboa Capital Íbero-americana de Cultura 2017”