Yasmine Benabdallah is a filmmaker and video artist whose work explores memory, performance, heritage, embodiment, diaspora, archive, and rituals. Some of her recent works include “Ojalá: la vuelta al origen” (2018), a feature documentary on the dance of the Palestinian diaspora of Santiago, Chile, “Its people, its sky, its scent” (2018), a video installation on finding Chile in Palestine, “Our success is in sharing space or Allah made me queer” (2021), a short film and video installation on Islam, queerness, the private and public, and “Sab‘at ’Amwaj” (2021), a video installation on a ritual, the Atlantic, and lineage. Yasmine’s work has been shown in Morocco, France, Egypt, the US, and Palestine, in addition to residencies in Palestine, Morocco, France, and Tunisia where Chebba won the Cinephilia Best Screenplay Award.