Revista Contemporânea (click the image to see the full news) Time out (click the image to see the full news) Visão (click the image to see the full news) Revista Magnética (click the image to see the full news) Visão (click the image to see the full news) Revista Contemporânea (click the image to see the full news) Público (click the image to see the full news) Música Total (click the image to see the full news) Diário Digital (click the image to see the full news) Jornal Inside (click the image to see the full news) Arte Capital (click the image to see the full news) Le Cool (click the image to see the full news) Dardo ARTEINFORMADO (click the image to see the full news) Siglo 21 O Hangar na Radio 3 (RTVE) no programa Siglo 21. Entrevistas sobre a Exposição Plagiar o Futuro a Bruno Leitão, Andrea Rodriguez Novoa e Marlon de Azambuja. Começo no minuto 39. (clique na imagem para mais informação) Latamuda (click the image to see the full news) Artecapital (click the image to see the full news) Agenda Cultural (click the image to see the full news) RTP (click the image to see the full news) Time Out (click the image to see the full news)