
TALK – Globalectics: Geopolitics of Knowledge, Orality and Radical Imaginations

TALK – Globalectics: Geopolitics of Knowledge, Orality and Radical Imaginations

©️ Fabian Villegas



Globalectics: Geopolitics of Knowledge, Orality and Radical Imaginations

Instructed by

Fabian Villegas

Moderated by

Fabián Cevallos Vivar


Open to all publics




July 6th, 2021 – 5 pm


This talk will be held in English


What is the role of the epistemologies of the South in the contemporary conversation? What is the role of epistemologies of the South in between the civilizational crisis?
What is the role of the epistemologies of the South in the face of new disputes of the imaginary, symbolic disputes, narrative disputes, or the creation of new forms of political imagination?

We take the concept Globalectics of the Kenian writer Ngügī Wa Thiong’o as a narrative device to decentralize curatorial maps, hegemonic geopolitics of knowledge, regimes of colonial enunciation

Globalectics is derived from the shape of the globe. On its surface there is no one center; any point is equally a center. Globalectics combines the global and the dialectical to describe a mutually affecting dialogue, or multi-logue, a relational dimension in which multiple temporalities, memories, territories, regimes of spaciality gets articulated in order to build a south south dialogue.

The objective of this experience is to create a cartography and a intercultural dialogue of experiences, oralities, aesthetics, knowledge, resources, narratives, imaginaries between the South-South. Understanding the South as a geopolitical, territorial, positional and body political space to inhabit modernity.

Fabian Villegas
Writer, journalist, spoken word artist, scholar and researcher in South epistemologies, decolonial thoughts and racial studies. Since 2007 to date, Fabian Villegas has been invited to give multiple conferences, seminars, lectures and workshops in various universities and academic centers, renowned art biennials and community cultural centers across the globe (México, Dominican Republic, France, Spain, Puerto Rico, Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina, Guatemala, Dubai, Costa Rica, U.S, Venezuela, Belice. He is also the co-founder of Contranarrativas, a collaborative project that seeks to create horizontal knowledge production spaces to stimulate the visibility, dissemination, and production of epistemologies, decolonial narratives and peripheral aesthetics of the Global South. Born in Mexico City, Villegas currently resides in the Dominican Republic.


Fabián Cevallos Vivar is a Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Lisbon, Faculty of Fine-Arts and PhD in Post-Colonialisms and Global citizenship, University of Coimbra. He is a Researcher and Professor in Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO)/Center for Social Studies (CES) and Researcher at the University of Lisbon, Center for Research and Studies in Fine Arts (CIEBA) and in Hangar, Center for Artistical Research.

Scientific coordination and organized by Mónica de Miranda
This project is part of the project  Post-Archive: Politics of Memory, Place and Identity, CITCOM-CEC-FLUL
This project was produced with national funding from the FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. under the project UIDB/00509/2020.