
Hard To Love – Tarek Lakhrissi

Hard To Love

Tarek Lakhrissi


Hard To Love, Tarek Lakhrissi, 2017, 4 min 57 sec

July 31th ~ August 7th, 2021

‘Hard to Love’ is the first experimental video directed by the artist. It talks about the hard relationship between a lover and three different languages: French, English and Arabic. Quoting Cedric Fauq “The integration, we learn with Tarek Lakhrissi, is also the condition of feeling unable to be desired, to be loved, ultimately asking : How does one escape the stigma of colonialism and xenophobia when it comes to loving someone, being loved, and loving oneself? ‘Hard to love’ suggests that exhausting the language of the oppressor might be a possible exit.”

Tarek Lakhrissi is a French artist and poet with a background in literature. He works across installation, performance, film, text and sculpture, engaging with political and social issues around transformative narratives within language, magic, weirdness, codes and love.