Winter 2017 Call-For-Entries
15 January 2017 – 15 February 2017
We will be offering 2 Project Support Awards. The first is our Established Artist $5000 award, open to anyone on any topic local to the photographer. The second is the Emerging Vision $3500 award, meant for new or transitioning photographers. If you are not sure which category you fit into, email us.
TheDocumentaryProjectFund Call-For-Entries is open to emerging and established still photographers. All applicants must have the appropriate skill level necessary to plan and execute a documentary project. Selected artists will have one year to complete the photographic work.
Submission Guidelines
Download the application form below. Fill it in, save as a PDF, and return it to us, with your portfolio images, via Dropbox.
application-jan2017Application Form
Submissions are accepted twice a year. Watch the site for exact dates.
Below, find some more detail on application questions:
Question #2a: Project Statement: 1 page maximum
Provide a detailed description of your project. Include a timeline for completion and the intended outcomes of the project. Be clear and concise in your description. We want to know what you will do, how you will do it and why it should be done.
Question #2b and #2c: Community Benefits and Getting it out there
What is the benefit to your community of this project? How will you share the work with those who need to see it? Are you planning on an exhibition? Will it be in a place where people naturally gather? What other ways do you plan on seeing this work benefit your community? Does it have relevance to others?
Question 3: A Short Bio
Just give us the basics about you and your photography. Tell us what you think we need to know to understand you and the work you do.
Budget: 1 page maximum
Your budget should include all projected expenses: materials, travel expenses and exhibition costs. Cameras and equipment should not be included in your budget unless specifically justified as essential. We hope you will include a profit after expenses for yourself.
Images: 10–15 total
Provide a cohesive set of images that illustrate your photographic skills and your experience with the documentary form. You can use a previous project or you can put together a group of images that work well with each other and feel like a project. If you are applying for funding on a project you have already begun, submit images from that work.
We want a sample that gives us a sense of your photographic and project management skills as well as your vision. Don’t send us an unrelated group of single images. Don’t send us your vacation snapshots.Submit your work in this way:
1. Use the online service Dropbox. This will allow you to email large, zipped files. Your images should be in a .jpg format and sized to 1024 pixels in width for horizontals, 768 pixels in height for verticals. Title each image as follows:
2. Put the entire application (form + images) in a file titled in this way:
For Established Artist award: Lastname_firstname_EA
For The Economic Divide: Lastname_firstname_TEDSelection Criteria
The board of TheDocumentaryProjectFund will judge submissions. All decisions are final.
Notification of Award
Award announcements will be made by email. Expect notification approximately one month after the Call’s closing date.
Upon Award
Upon acceptance of the award and your signing of our contract, half of the funds will be dispersed. The second half of the funds will be dispersed at the completion of the project. This half of the support is contingent upon successful execution of the project.
Reporting Requirements During the Awarded Project
The awarded photographer should expect to report to TheDPF Board on the progress of the work every two months, or four times while in progress and again at the project’s completion.
Upon Completion
Once the project is completed, the photographer will notify us about release or exhibition dates and complete a written evaluation of the work.
Copyright and Ownership Agreement
The photographer retains full ownership of all work completed. The DPF will have non–exclusive rights to use images from the project on our website, or in promotional materials. We ask that each awarded photographer be willing to donate 2 image files from the project for use as donor gifts and for fundraising activities. The printed images will include the photographer’s copyright. The photographer will receive a tax receipt for the number of prints made from the file.
Any use outside of these parameters will be subject to the awardees consent.
Full accounting of all expenses shall be the responsibility of the photographer. A final budget should be included in the project evaluation submitted upon the project’s completion.