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Roberto Cimetta Fund


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The Roberto Cimetta Fund, is an international non-profit making organisation created in 1999 to respond rapidly and directly to individual artists and cultural managers wishing to travel in order to develop contemporary artistic cooperation projects in the Euro-Arab geographical zone and beyond. Since 2014, RCF is also providing sustaining support grants for venues, platforms and networks in the Arab geographical zone exclusively.

The Board of Directors of the Fund, the Committee of experts and the staff have built up considerable expertise on the development of funding mechanisms and management of funding for the benefit of international cultural co-construction processes within the artistic community at large.

This expertise is offered to local, regional, national and international governing bodies and private entities to implement well-planned strategies in international cultural relations that provide an enabling environment for artists and cultural operators, promoting a fair-trade attitude to culture, that entails stability and sustainability in the Euro-Arab geographical region and beyond.

RCF is fully engaged in the aims of the European Agenda for Culture in a globalised world that promote culture and mobility as essential tools in the external relations of the European Union.

RCF addresses the recommendations of the UNESCO Convention and the Agenda 21 for Culture that call for the strengthening of multilateral relations between North and South and preferential treatment to artists and professionals from developing countries. RCF is alined with the cultural conference of the Slovenian EU presidency in 2008, paying special attention to relations between Arab and Balkan artists. In 2011, RCF issued an action plan at the meeting organised in Paris at the French Ministry of Culture.

The Cimetta Fund considers that mobility is an essential learning tool and a legitimate policy that recognises the free circulation of cultural connecters, agents and practitioners. It addresses the questions of reciprocity and equal exchange, it gives equal support to incoming and outgoing artists, it provides interconnections in multicultural urban societies, it extends partnerships internationally… Mobility means intercultural dialogue where the artistic community can acquire intercultural competencies through confrontation, curiosity and permeation allowing for new forms of art and culture to emerge. Exchange and dialogue form an integral part of the values promoted by the Ethical Charter of the Fund to which artists should agree before receiving their grants. This Charter was first drafted in Amman, Jordan in September 2012. If you want to download it, click here.