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Raquel Algaba Lopez

Raquel Algaba López (Madrid, 1992) received an B.A. from UCM Madrid, especializated for Sculpture in 2015. Gained an Erasmus scholarschip in ABK Stuttgart as student in Malerei department and Bühnnenbild department under the supervisation of prof. Peter Chevalier (Mal.) and Martin Zehetgruber (Büh.). As a visual artist focuses on drawing, painting and installation art.

She holds Solo exhibitions in Galería Fúcares, Tomás y Valiente Art Center or Exhibition Space of Doña Mencía. She also had won prizes as Acquisition award TMF JUSTMAD X 2019, Acquisition award Galería A del Arte 2017, award project for Galerias_La cárcel de Segovia, award project AlNorte XVI 2017, DMENCIA XXI and Projectarte II. Selected in EAC2018, CALL_17 Galería A del Arte de Zaragoza, FRESH LEGS’17 Galería Heike Arndt de Berlín, OpenPortfolio Fig de Bilbao 2017, Getxoarte 2017 and El pliego/ Le Pli/ The Fold. She has been artist in residency in BilbaoArte, VIII EAN, Aquemarropa V, AlfaraStudio 2017, ShiroOniResidence Japan and in the museum C.A.V La Neomudéjar of Madrid.