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Interdisciplinary and Print Residencies Open for Application


4 Dezembro 2017

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Architects, writers, designers, choreographers, curators, artists, translators, researchers and educators are invited to apply for a two week residency in 2018.

Space for thinking: Across artforms

The Interdisciplinary Residency at Hospitalfield brings together a group of cultural practitioners for a two week residency. It’s a highly international part of our programme and has hosted cultural practitioners and theorists from Canada, India and America as well as from around Scotland and the rest of UK. In the past we have run this with three dates sets per year but in 2018 are trying out an additional date in May to see if that is a good time of year for applicants to take time for this type of focus on their work.

Selectors for the 2018 Interdisciplinary Residencies are Cara Ellison, games journalist and developer, and Jenni Fagan, novelist and poet.

See the current live residency opportunities and make an online application here…

Hospitalfield works with leading professionals in diverse fields to promote, review applications, select and feed into the Interdisciplinary Residency.

During the residency each individual focuses on their proposed project or piece of work, using workspace to suit either in the historic light filled studios, their bedroom space, our gardens or Victorian period rooms. There is a programme of introductions and discussion throughout the residency, with meal times together becoming a focus for conversation.

In the past some have used the residency as a way to finish a piece of in depth work; to look back and reassess past projects; to immerse themselves into experimentation; or to focus on generating new ideas and plans.

The deadline is Monday 4 December 2017 for Interdisciplinary and Print Residencies in March, May, August and November 2018. There is an online application process which you can access through other pages on this website.

As this residency is not supported directly through public funds there is a cost attached of £630 for the two weeks which includes full board accommodation, we try to keep it as affordable as possible. We have found that past residents have either paid for the time themselves or raised money through funding applications to private trusts or public funding bodies. There have also been several who have had a contribution to the cost from their employer.

It’s been really rewarding to have feedback from past residents which has helped us to develop the way that we run the programme, here’s some of the recent comments we’ve had, thanks to those past residents who filled out our anonymous Residency Reflection Tool.

“The 12 other people selected alongside me made for the residency to be one of the most reflective and genuine experiences I have undertaken in my art career… These connections have continued on and I feel will creep into my practice for some time.”

“turned out to be much more productive than residencies I have previously participated in.”

“It was a timely and invaluable breathing space in my year where thoughts could move freely and settle into new patterns.”

“Hospitalfield is a very inspiring place with friendly and helpful staff. It enabled me to start a new direction in my work.”

If you have any questions about the programme, get in touch

Read more about the overall Residency Programme at Hospitalfield…

See the current live residency opportunities and make an online application here…