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LA NUIT DE L’INSTANT – call for art projects


January 30th, 2018

Fore more information:

From the idea of still image how can photography be
approached transversely ?
La Nuit de l’Instant combines different artistic proposals around the image and photography in other forms than printed matter, making use of photography through a broad range of mediums.

For The Nuit de l’Instant 2018, Les Ateliers de l’Image / Centre Photographique Marseille organises an international call for art projects opened to visual artists whose production creates links with the still image.


Artistic Agenda
The purpose of La Nuit de l’Instant is a territorial project the confirms the commitment to spread a more contemporary image to an audience as broad as possible. The selected works will be displayed in diverse locations ( theaters, concert halls, entertainment centers, associations, showcases, cultural institutions, historical monuments, schools… ), especially open for the event.

La Nuit de l’Instant is definitely a time of exploration and encounters with works and places, through free and organized itineraries

Date of the event : may 11th 2018

This year again, La Nuit de l’Instant starts the opening weekend of Printemps de l’Art Contemporain in Marseille with the FRAC and the MUCEM as main partners.