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Iracema de Andrade

Iracema de Andrade (Brazil/Mexico) is a Latin American artist who works with sound. Musical performer, creator, researcher, teacher and cultural manager. Musician committed to the expressions of her time and recognized for her artistic work around electroacoustic and audiovisual media and interdiscipline. Iracema’s creative premises and poetic imagery are configured from themes that refer to the female universe – which range from genealogical memory, the activation of family archives, to identity/alterity and immigration – decoded through an intersected look by the gender and sound studies, respectively. Her technical approaches involve explorations around free improvisation, sound collage, field recordings, the use of drones, soundscapes, noise, loops, in addition to the use of electroacoustic and instrumental sounds to generate experimental works. She has given several presentations in important halls in Mexico, Brazil, Canada, USA, England, Argentina, Cuba and Scotland, in addition to having made live broadcasts for BBC3 in London, Radio UNAM, Opus 94 and Radio Educación in Mexico, premiering several works. She holds a Doctorate in Musical Interpretation with an Honorable Mention from the School of Music of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and awarded the Medal of Academic Merit “Alfonso Caso”. In England, she received a Master’s Degree at the University of West London and obtained the Fellowship Diploma and Certificate of Advanced Studies from the London College of Music. In Brazil, she graduated in Music from the University of São Paulo. She currently resides in Mexico City where she works as a researcher at the National Center for Research, Documentation and Musical Information “Carlos Chávez”, focusing on the fields of avant-garde, contemporary and electroacoustic music.