Workshop de desenho como ferramenta de observação.
” “one often saw him take a notebook from his pocket in order to record something he had just thought of or seen. At these moments Le Corbusier drew as one would take notes, without trying to make a pretty picture, simply to imprint upon his memory some central idea, to remember, and assimilate it. He often said, ‘Don’t take photographs, draw; photography interferes with seeing, drawing etches the mind.’ ” He would jot down “those spontaneous phrases that cannot be repeated, too vague for anything but one’s notebook.”
It is all body, too. Forget photography. It gets between subject and object. Go corporeal. Draw! A photograph captures only the surface, but the notebook gets at the deep truth of things. Full grammatical sentences? Forget that. Just jot. And jot some more. Short-circuit language and me, the writer along with it.”
Michael Taussig in: Fieldwork Notebooks, Erschienen im Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfilden
Público-alvo: adultos, estudantes, artistas, público em geral
12 e 13 de Setembro l 10h – 18h e 15h – 19h
FIELDWORKS NOTEBOOKS é um workshop de desenho a partir do texto de Michael Taussig, que aborda esta prática como uma ferramenta de observação numa situação de trabalho de campo.
– bloco de desenho / notas
– riscadores (lápis, lápis de cor, canetas de feltro, aguarelas, etc)
50€ – 10 horas
geral@hangar.com.pt | 218 870 490