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Call for Residency : Research grant Chaire Global South(s) at la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme


January 2nd, 2018

For more informations:

For the second year in a row, Villa Vassilieff and the Collège d’études mon­di­ales / Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme are launching a call for appli­ca­tions for a research res­i­dency ded­i­cated to Non-Western based researchers in the human­i­ties and social sciences.

The researcher will work both in con­nec­tion with the Global South(s) research chair at the Collège d’études mon­di­ales within Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and with the team at Villa Vassilieff. The research pro­ject pro­posals will have to relate to the topics of the Collège d’études mon­di­ales and to one of the fol­lowing themes devel­oped by the Chair Global South(s) held by Pr. Françoise Vergès:
- Study the cir­cu­la­tion of ideas and models of artistic and cul­tural pro­duc­tion between Europe and the world.
- Study within a crit­ical per­spec­tive the dif­ferent modes of rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the “other”.
In 2018 we are looking to raise the issue of artistic pro­duc­tion in dif­fi­cult con­di­tions, such as con­flict, migra­tion, polit­ical cen­sor­ship as well as nat­ural dis­as­ters … We will 
favour research pro­jects ques­tioning the role of art as a tool for medi­a­tion, reflec­tion or 
action in sit­u­a­tions of crisis. 
Three areas of research will be par­tic­u­larly con­cerned: Feminist approaches and gender studies ; Decolonial issues ; Climate change and nat­ural dis­as­ters.

Villa Vassilieff covers travel costs for the researcher and the Collège d’études mon­di­ales pro­­­vides a 2 700 euros grant for a 4 weeks research.

The res­i­­dent has access to the rich net­­work of aca­­demic and artistic insti­­tu­­tions built by Villa Vassilieff and Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, and will be offered a cus­­tomized guid­ance through meet­ings with researchers and art pro­fes­­sionals. The res­i­­dent will also ben­­efit from the var­ious research pro­­grams devel­oped by Villa Vassilieff with museums, public and pri­­vate archives, uni­ver­si­ties – such as the inter-uni­ver­sity net­­work Usages des Patrimoines Numérisés, of which Villa Vassilieff has an active role – or art schools; those pro­­grams focus on rarely explored res­­sources. Residents will be invited to con­tribute to the Collège d’études mon­di­ales and Villa Vassilieff respec­­tive events pro­­grams.

The researcher will commit to par­tic­i­pate in activ­i­ties orga­nized by the Global South(s)research chair and Villa Vassilieff in rela­tion to their research. Disciplines con­cerned: phi­los­ophy, polit­ical science, soci­ology, anthro­pology, global his­tory, theory and his­tory of art.

Admission cri­teria
The call is ded­i­cated to researchers in the human­i­ties and social sciences living and working in the Souths. 
Spoken and written English and /or French is required. 
The selec­tion of the can­di­da­tures will focus on the quality of the sci­en­tific dossier as well as that of the sci­en­tific pro­ject and its inser­tion in the areas of research of the Collège d’études mon­di­ales and Villa Vassilieff. 
The can­di­dates are invited to send their appli­ca­tion by the 2nd of January 2018 to the email address appli­ca­tion­
A selec­tion com­mittee com­posed of mem­bers of both insti­tu­tions will be held in March 2018. Results will be com­mu­ni­cated to can­di­dates within days of the com­mittee meeting. 
The res­i­dency of four con­sec­u­tive weeks will take place between September 2018 and June 2019.

Download the open call here.

La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) was set up in 1963 by his­­to­rian Fernand Braudel to pro­­mote the study of human soci­eties and research into social and human sciences (SHS), in rela­­tion with other dis­­­ci­­plines.
Its pri­­mary mis­­sion is to foster the inter­­na­­tion­al­i­sa­­tion of SHS research by encour­aging the mobility and hosting of researchers, devel­oping inter­dis­­­ci­­plinary and col­lab­o­ra­­tive research pro­­jects, dis­­sem­i­­nating knowl­­edge and pro­­moting research.
It houses and pro­­motes col­lec­­tive research infras­truc­­tures and instru­­ments as well as national insti­­tu­­tional SHS net­­works. One of its aims is to host shel­tered foun­­da­­tions that share close ties with its social pur­­pose.
A pri­­vate foun­­da­­tion recog­nised for its ser­vice to the public (FRUP), the FMSH receives funding to carry out its activ­i­ties related to its mis­­sions on a non-profit basis.
More infor­ma­tion here.

Le Collège d’études mon­di­ales, (School of World Studies), cre­ated in 2011 by soci­ol­o­gist Michel Wieviorka, is an aca­­demic centre for the devel­op­­ment of pro­­jects by inter­­na­­tional researchers in a firmly mul­ti­dis­­­ci­­plinary envi­ron­­ment.
It pro­­motes new ways of thinking and working: research con­­ducted by the philoso­pher and the economist, the doctor and the polit­ical ana­lyst, the lit­erary expert and the anthro­pol­o­gist all provide mutual stim­u­la­­tion for under­­s­tanding the changes at play in the con­tem­po­rary world.
The School’s sci­en­tific activity is organ­ised around three key areas: “New norms and insti­­tu­­tions”, “Rethinking social jus­tice” and “Subjectivities: pro­­duc­­tion and knowl­­edge”, designed to study these changes, be they indi­vidual or sys­temic.
The School pro­­gramme is com­­posed of chairs, ini­­ti­a­­tives (pro­­gramme incu­ba­­tion) and research sem­i­­nars.
More infor­ma­tion here.