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ART CLUB | com Petra von Preta | Sara Fonseca da Graça

Educator Artist: Petra von Preta | Sara Fonseca da Graça

Ages: 6 to 14 years old

Date: 07, 14, 21 and 28 of May 2022

Hours: 11:00 – 13:00

Location: R. Damasceno Monteiro, 12, 1170-112 Lisbon

Price: €35 monthly (4 workshops) + €5 insurance (materials included) + Membership or €10 per session
For more information: or +351 93 843 90 60

© Daniela Ortiz – The Rebellion of the Roots



In this workshop we will try to discover the stories that the flowers and plants in our space tell us. Through drawing, stamping and modeling we will re-imagine the garden space as a place of encounter and possibilities. In which garden would we like to live in the future, and what stories will the flora of tomorrow tell?