2 Janeiro 2018
Para mais informações:
For the second year in a row, Villa Vassilieff and the Collège d’études mondiales / Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme are launching a call for applications for a research residency dedicated to Non-Western based researchers in the humanities and social sciences.
The researcher will work both in connection with the Global South(s) research chair at the Collège d’études mondiales within Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme and with the team at Villa Vassilieff. The research project proposals will have to relate to the topics of the Collège d’études mondiales and to one of the following themes developed by the Chair Global South(s) held by Pr. Françoise Vergès:
Study the circulation of ideas and models of artistic and cultural production between Europe and the world.
Study within a critical perspective the different modes of representation of the “other”.
In 2018 we are looking to raise the issue of artistic production in difficult conditions, such as conflict, migration, political censorship as well as natural disasters … We will
favour research projects questioning the role of art as a tool for mediation, reflection or
action in situations of crisis.
Three areas of research will be particularly concerned: Feminist approaches and gender studies ; Decolonial issues ; Climate change and natural disasters.
Villa Vassilieff covers travel costs for the researcher and the Collège d’études mondiales provides a 2 700 euros grant for a 4 weeks research.
The resident has access to the rich network of academic and artistic institutions built by Villa Vassilieff and Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, and will be offered a customized guidance through meetings with researchers and art professionals. The resident will also benefit from the various research programs developed by Villa Vassilieff with museums, public and private archives, universities – such as the inter-university network Usages des Patrimoines Numérisés, of which Villa Vassilieff has an active role – or art schools; those programs focus on rarely explored ressources. Residents will be invited to contribute to the Collège d’études mondiales and Villa Vassilieff respective events programs.
The researcher will commit to participate in activities organized by the Global South(s)research chair and Villa Vassilieff in relation to their research. Disciplines concerned: philosophy, political science, sociology, anthropology, global history, theory and history of art.
Admission criteria
The call is dedicated to researchers in the humanities and social sciences living and working in the Souths.
Spoken and written English and /or French is required.
The selection of the candidatures will focus on the quality of the scientific dossier as well as that of the scientific project and its insertion in the areas of research of the Collège d’études mondiales and Villa Vassilieff.
The candidates are invited to send their application by the 2nd of January 2018 to the email address
A selection committee composed of members of both institutions will be held in March 2018. Results will be communicated to candidates within days of the committee meeting.
The residency of four consecutive weeks will take place between September 2018 and June 2019.
La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) was set up in 1963 by historian Fernand Braudel to promote the study of human societies and research into social and human sciences (SHS), in relation with other disciplines.
Its primary mission is to foster the internationalisation of SHS research by encouraging the mobility and hosting of researchers, developing interdisciplinary and collaborative research projects, disseminating knowledge and promoting research.
It houses and promotes collective research infrastructures and instruments as well as national institutional SHS networks. One of its aims is to host sheltered foundations that share close ties with its social purpose.
A private foundation recognised for its service to the public (FRUP), the FMSH receives funding to carry out its activities related to its missions on a non-profit basis.
More information here.
Le Collège d’études mondiales, (School of World Studies), created in 2011 by sociologist Michel Wieviorka, is an academic centre for the development of projects by international researchers in a firmly multidisciplinary environment.
It promotes new ways of thinking and working: research conducted by the philosopher and the economist, the doctor and the political analyst, the literary expert and the anthropologist all provide mutual stimulation for understanding the changes at play in the contemporary world.
The School’s scientific activity is organised around three key areas: “New norms and institutions”, “Rethinking social justice” and “Subjectivities: production and knowledge”, designed to study these changes, be they individual or systemic.
The School programme is composed of chairs, initiatives (programme incubation) and research seminars.
More information here.