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Artist in residence programme: Artistic Strategies in Psychiatry

Prazo: 15 Janeiro 2017, 11:59pm CET
Data de Notificação: 16 Fevereiro

Van Abbemuseum
Bilderdijklaan 10 Eindhoven
The Netherlands

T +31 (0)40 238 1000

Para mais informações:


The Van Abbemuseum and the GGzE (Mental Health Care Institute Eindhoven) invite national and international artists or artist groups working in the fields of socially engaged art, community art, participatory art, art & science, social design or other related fields to apply for the artist in residence programme Artistic Strategies in Psychiatry. During the two months residency on site at the GGzE, the artists are asked to develop and realize site specific projects of high artistic quality and innovative approaches that have a concrete, positive and lasting impact which relate to one or more of the following objectives:

–reducing prejudices in society against mental health care and psychiatric illnesses
–dealing with specific needs and problems of clients, ex-clients, their relatives or friends
–enhancing the inclusion of clients or ex-clients in society
–improving the living conditions and environment of clients or ex-clients
–improving the working conditions and environment at the GGzE
–making a concrete, positive and lasting impact on the institution, its clients or staff

The invited artists will be provided a studio to work on site at GGzE in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Mental Health Care Institution, its clients and staff. They should envisage a close cooperation with the GGzE and the Van Abbemuseum as well as with local or national institutions, organizations, communities and individuals which are concerned with issues according to the submitted projects.

Projects referring to classical kind of art therapy are exempt since the GGzE is already running successful art therapy programs.

Duration of residency
The residency consists of three phases:
1. Research phase: The selected artists are invited to visit Eindhoven for a three–five days research trip in spring 2017.
2. Residency phase: The selected artists will work on site at the GGzE for the duration of two months in October and November 2017.
3. Presentation phase: The project will be presented in a suitable way, the location and the date of the presentation depend on the requirements of the project.

Who can apply
National or international artists or artist groups (max. five people) working in the fields of socially engaged art, community art, participatory art, art & science, social design or other related fields are welcome to apply. Students are exempt. No age limits apply. Applicants should be fluent in English or Dutch.

More information about the application process is available on the website of the Van Abbemuseum.

Stipend and production budget
The selected artist (or artists group) will get a stipend of 7,000 EUR for the participation in the whole programme (research, residency, presentation) to cover all living expenses. An operational budget of up to 5,000 EUR will be provided for the realization of the project, its documentation, communication and presentation. Travel expenses will be covered up to an amount of 2,000 EUR.

Van Abbemuseum will provide curatorial and organizational support and accommodation. A suitable form of presentation of the project will be developed by the artists in collaboration with Van Abbemuseum. GGzE will provide a studio, medical expertise and access to its institutions, staff and clients (as it is medically responsible and with their consent).

The jury consists of Annie Fletcher (Chief Curator, Van Abbemuseum), Wilma Wilgenhof (Audit Manager, GGzE) and Henri Snel (Alzheimer Architecture / Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam).

The artist in residence programme Artistic Strategies in Psychiatry was initiated and designed by the artist group WochenKlausur on invitation by the Van Abbemuseum. It is the final stage of their participation as “artists in residence” in the Museum of Arte Útil.

The artist in residence programme is supported by GGzE, WochenKlausur and Gerrit Rietveld Academie.