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Artist Bursaries


4 Dezembro 2017, 17h

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12 bursaries providing an opportunity for artists to define and determine their own development needs.

Visual artists within 10 years of graduating or establishing their practice are invited to apply for a bursary of £1,000 for the development of their practice. This could be for the costs of making new work or exploring a new collaboration, mentoring, professional or skills based training, travel or a combination of these. There are 12 bursaries available and there is no application fee.

Now in its second year, the project aims to encourage experimentation and crucially to provide an opportunity for artists to define and determine their own development needs. Through these buraries we would like to support activity which it may be hard to find specific funding for elsewhere, a specific piece of work or idea which may or may not have a tangible outcome. Each selected artist will receive mentoring from the Jerwood Visual Arts team and be part of a peer-network, attending facilitated sessions as a group.

We are interested in hearing ambitious ideas and are seeking propositions from visual artists who can demonstrate through a written proposal what the bursary will enable within the development of their work. Applicants are asked to be ambitious will be selected on the basis of how much developmental impact the opportunity is likely to have on their practice, the feasibility of the project within the given budget and the need for the proposed activity to take place.

In 2016 12 artist bursaries of £1000 were awarded to Jozs Bitelli, Appau Jnr Boakye- Yiadom, Luke Burton, Zachary Eastwood-Bloom, Mark Essen, Umama Hamido, Kate Mackeson & Fleur Melbourn, Lydia Ourahmane, Molly Palmer, Morgan Quaintance, Anna Raczynski, Raju Rage. Artists were selected in February 2017 for this opportunity and have since been working on their projects independently – conducting interviews, developing new work, undertaking research trips, training and learning new skills.

Selectors: Sarah Williams, Head of Programme, Jerwood Visual Arts; Oliver Fuke, Gallery Manager, Jerwood Visual Arts; and Katie Schwab, artist.

Selected artists will be announced in March 2018